Prescott College ASK Career Network
Mentor Biography

Thomas Barry, Prescott, AZ
Experiential Educator - Instructor - Guide : Wilderness River Expeditions

Please provide a work description:
Tom assembles and operates wilderness river trips.

Prescott College ASK Network Q & A
Q: Please provide a listing of the UG School(s) you attended:
A: Prescott College, Yavapai College, St. Paul College, University of Alaska, University of Minnesota
Q: Please list your major(s)/concentration(s):
A: Expedition Leadership, Geography, Environmental Design
Q: What was your UG year of graduation at PC?
A: 1992
Q: Please list your undergraduate activities:
A: River Exploration & Research River Guide, Training Instructor River Guide - Professional


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Prescott College Advancement Office
220 Grove Ave
Prescott, AZ 86301-2912
P: 928-350-4505 E: