Prescott College ASK Career Network
Mentor Biography
Stacy Rosoff, Portland, OR
Teacher: Portland Public Schools
Professional Biography:
Stacy serves as Teacher at Portland Public Schools and is located in Portland, OR.
Stacy's core expertise includes ESL and reading specialist.
Personal Biography:
In her personal time, Stacy enjoys gardening, spending time outdoors and being a mom.
Prescott College ASK Network Q & A
Q: Please list your current employer:
A: Portland Public Schools
Q: Please list your occupational industry:
A: Education
Q: Please list your current position:
A: 3rd Grade Teacher
Q: Please provide a work description:
A: I teach all subject areas to elementary school students in a public school setting. I am also an G.L.A.D. trained ESL specialist as well as a reading specialist.
Q: Please provide a listing of the UG School(s) you attended:
A: Prescott College- RDP 1994; Prescott College- ADP 1996
Q: Please list your major(s)/concentration(s):
A: Alternative Education
Q: What was your UG year of graduation?
A: 1994
Q: Please list your undergraduate activities:
A: Volunteer in the Public Schools; Participated in several environmental action groups