Prescott College ASK Career Network
Mentor Biography

Delores Noble, Window Rock, AZ
Senior Education Specialist:  Office of Dine Culture, Language, & Community Services

Professional Biography:
Delores serves as Senior Education Specialist at Office of Dine Culture, Language, & Community Services and is located in Window Rock, AZ.
Delores attended Northern Arizona University where she studied Educational Leadership and earned a Masters degree in 2002. She also attended Prescott College where she studied Elementary Education and earned a Bachelors degree in 1999.
Delores's core expertise includes Navajo Language.

Personal Biography:
In her personal time, Delores enjoys photography and traveling.

Schools Attended:
Northern Arizona University Masters Educational Leadership
Prescott College Bachelors Elementary Education

Prescott College ASK Network Q & A
Q: Please list your current employer:
A: Navajo Nation - Department of Dine Education
Q: Please list your occupational industry:
A: Education
Q: Please list your current position:
A: Senior Education Specialist
Q: Please provide a work description:
A: Write and develop Dine Standards, curriculum, teacher training materials, and educational assessment tool for Dine language. Provide technical assistance, in-service training and workshop for teachers, administrators, support personnel, school board members, parents and community members on curricular and resource materials. Consult, coordinate, and collaborate with state and federal agencies IHE's tribal entities and related organizations on education standards, policies, rules and regulations. Attend an participate in meetings, workshops, conferences and symposiums related to Dine language. Perpetuate and promote Dine/Navajo language and Indigenous languages abroad.
Q: Please provide a listing of the UG School(s) you attended:
A: Dine College Arlington Baptist College Prescott College
Q: Please list your major(s)/concentration(s):
A: Elementary Education
Q: Please list your minor(s)/breadth(s):
A: Navajo Studies
Q: What was your UG year of graduation?
A: 1999
Q: Please list your undergraduate activities:
A: Served as a teacher's assistant, and substitute teacher. Taught aerobic classes in the evenings.
Q: Please list your graduate school:
A: Northern Arizona University
Q: Please list your graduate major/concentration:
A: Educational Leadership
Q: What was your graduate year of graduation?
A: 2002

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Prescott College Advancement Office
220 Grove Ave
Prescott, AZ 86301-2912
P: 928-350-4505 E: