Prescott College ASK Career Network
Mentor Biography
Adam Zemans, Silver Spring, MD
Placement/Business Development Director: Special Counsel
Prescott College ASK Network Q & A
Q: Please provide a work description:
A: Matching human knowledge works with subject matter expertise to positions in law offices, corporations, and government.
Q: Please list your major(s)/concentration(s):
A: Current Prescott College PhD Student in Education
From 2004 to 2012, Founder and Exectuive Director, Environment Las Americas/Bolivia. Previously, The Washington Center and Georgetown Law Center.
Cochabamba, Bolivia and Washington D.C.
• Spearheaded foundation through feasibility study, legal research, IRS and Bolivian government applications
• Co-launched the climate change movement in Bolivia, with an educational campaign organized around showings of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth to over 2,000 people, developing the largest grassroots environmental organization in Bolivia for the period of 2006 to 2008; transformed into a small think tank from 2009
• Conceptualized and oversaw a Bolivian Environmental Constitutional Campaign that inserted broad legal standing and injunction from probable future harm (a remedy our organization uniquely proposed) as well as other fundamental environmental rights into the 2008 Bolivian Constitution
• Managed all aspects of the organization in a setting of extreme poverty, severe pollution and political/social upheaval
• Recruited, trained and mentored up to 10 students and young professionals at a time for project positions
• Recruited, trained and managed national and international boards of directors and up to three salaried staff at a time
• Published op-eds and reports on U.S., Chinese and Bolivian climate change and indigenous/national park rights
• Presented to international and national scientists, government officials, scholars, students and the public on climate change leadership, cooperation and dialogue
• Interviewed and quoted periodically on local, national and international television and radio
• Recognized by award-winning Herencia Magazine and key policymakers, as among top Bolivian climate diplomacy and environmental analysts and advocates